Little Putter's Package
Birthday Child + up to 8 Friends
Each add’l person: $27*
Reserved party area for 2 hours
2 large pizzas
3 pitchers of fountain drinks with one free refill
1 ice cream/person – up to $2
1 round of miniature golf/person
3 batting cage tokens/person
1 bumper car ride/person
1 rock wall climb/person
$375 Value
Bump It Up Package
Birthday Child + up to 12 Friends
Each add’l person: $33*
Reserved party area for 2 hours
3 large pizzas
3 Pitchers of fountain drinks with one free refill
1 ice cream/person – up to $2
Unlimited miniature golf/person
5 batting cage tokens/person
2 bumper car rides/person
2 rock wall climbs/person
$625 Value
Best Value
ParTee Animal Package
Birthday Child + up to 15 Friends
Each add’l person: $36*
Reserved party area for 2.5 hours
4 large pizzas
3 pitchers of fountain drinks with two free refills
1 ice cream/person – choose any
2 hour unlimited play/person (Must play one FULL round of mini golf first)
$817 Value
​* One additional pizza per four additional guests